23 September, 2008

Look up "paradise" in the dictionary

Pictures can speak a thousand words. So we won't say much. This is a photo taken in Bocas del Toro. It is a province in Panama made up of 9 islands in the Caribbean Sea (Atlantic Ocean side of the country). The reality TV show Survivor is filmed here, there's an airport on a baseball field, you can get 50 cent beers at Happy Hour and Dean saw 2 feet long lobsters while scuba diving. A travel buddy of ours took a photo of a crab smoking a cigarette here (Hi Rob!). Dean took this photo as storm clouds were setting in, the water was crystal clear and the sand was white. Simply, he thought it would make a pretty good photo. According to Lonely Planet, Bocas del Toro is trying to get into the dictionary definition of "paradise". That says it all.

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