23 August, 2008

Bienvenidos a Guatemala

What we love about travelling is that we can wake up in the morning not knowing what to do, then find ourselves that afternoon eating lava cooked marshmallows on an active Guatemalan volcano. We’ve been living with a Guatemalan family in a town called San Juan del Opispo. Our typical day this week went something like this. 6am: Get woken up by church bells, firecrackers, dogs fighting, drunken singing, cats walking on the tin roof or men announcing over loudspeaker that they’re selling stuff. 7am: Have a Guatemalan breakfast such as “desayuno del abuelo” consisting of frijoles, eggs, tortillas and little sausages called salchichas. 7:50am: Walk two minutes to school and say good morning to the locals we pass on our way. 8am: Immerse ourselves in 4 hours of private Spanish lessons. 1pm: Catch the local chicken bus to town after lunch. 1:30pm: Spend the afternoon exploring Antigua, one of the most beautiful cities in Central America. 5pm: Head back for our last home-cooked meal of the day. If you go to Antigua, check out the most impressive McDonalds restaurant in the world and don’t ask a Guatemalan guy holding a shot gun for a photo (Dean found that out the hard way).

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